Monday, July 29, 2013

From a First Responder to Me....

I have something I want to share with you all. I mentioned last night, that I heard from one of Preslee's First Responders. I am including my reply message to him, and his message back to me. This angel, has asked that I not make his name public, because he wants all glory given to God and does not want any thank yous for his service. Have a tissue handy, and help me in saying a prayer and thanking the man that was there to watch after Preslee at the one moment that I was not there.....


It is SO nice to hear from you! This message has been in my "other" folder and I was just now able to see it. I have been praying that I would hear from one of you. Oh my gosh. My phone number is 832 *** -****. I have one question that has been bothering me for so long... Was Preslee in pain and calling for me? I cant shake the fear that my baby needed me and I wasnt there. When I got the phone call at 6am in Houston, I drove to the airport as fast as I could and was in NC by 2pm. Thank you so much for messaging me. You are an angel, and I hope to be able to hug you one day.
11 hours ago
Thank you for not mentioning me by name in your status earlier. The comments from your family and friends concerning me and my wife have touched and warmed our hearts. However, I feel I am unworthy of the praise thats been given. Where I work the fire dept gets the emergency calls about 30 seconds to a minute before the police receives the call. 2 other officers and I arrived at the same time the fire dept was arriving on scene. We are fortunate to have firemen who are highly trained in removing injured people from cars. They were the ones to treat and remove Preslee from the car.
To answer your question about Preslee, she never made any noise when I was near her. When I saw her she was still in the car. She appeared to be staring past the ceiling of the car at something in the distance. She looked like she was awake but never cried out in pain. Her eyes seemed to twinkle while she was still in the car. As I left the car to attend to other things, I kept feeling drawn to come back and check on her as the firemen worked to free her. I bet I walked back to the car a half dozen times checking on her. Everytime I came back she never made a sound and kept staring off in the distance. The day I originally wrote you, one of our accident reconstructionist had shared a picture from the pray4preslee page. I recognized the twinkle in her eyes and knew it was her. I then felt the urge to write you. At the time I didnt know why but I couldnt ignore the urge. After reading your message everything has become clear to me. God put me at the wreck to watch. He was speaking through my heart and told me to write you a couple weeks ago. And I firmly believe that He was what Preslee was staring at while she was still in the car. The twinkle in her eyes made it look like she was smiling. So to answer your question, I dont think she was in pain. I think our Heavenly Father was there comforting her and keeping her quiet while the rescue effort was under way. I cant imagine the pain it caused you to not be here when she was hurt. At the risk of offending you, Im glad you werent here to see it happen. Thats not something anybody would want to see. I hope it comforts you to know that God was watching out for her and sent me to watch it so I could report it back to you. You got here when Preslee needed you the most. I hope and pray that Preslee will continue to grow and heal and will be back to being a kid again soon.

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